Bright Midnight
The Bright Midnight

How to reach Tolga

Quick guide on reaching Tolga city
As you might already have found, Tolga is not a big city and that’s why the surrounding areas are so amazing. But I live here and want to show you around. It’s not so difficult to get here, when you know how. So, to begin with – the airports.
There are two and a “half” to choose from. First one being the biggest and having the most direct flights – Oslo Gardermoen, don’t mix it with Oslo Torp. Gardermoen is located north of Oslo while Torp is in the south. So there are plenty of cheap and direct flights to Gardermoen from all over Europe and other continents. Train station is under the airport. Buy your train ticket using to find the train that suits you best. There are 6 trains, the first one leaving from the airport at 06:49 to the latest 18:49 (if nothing will change) The travel time is about 4 hours. There is one direct train and the others where you have to change in Hamar. It is a very easy and uncomplicated change. You can also reach Tolga from Torp, using the same trains, but I am afraid that then you will have an ultra trip.
Second airport being Trondheim airport. I use it very rarely so my knowledge is a bit limited. But you first have to get to Trondheim city center by using a bus or a train. For trains, again, use to plan your trip and buy tickets. There are not so many trains going from Trondheim to Tolga, but there are some to choose from. If in doubt – reach out! In 2023 we had a bus which picked up riders who came more or less at the same time, it could be done again.
The “half” of the airport is in a city called Røros airport, there is only one airline flying there – Widerøe – they have flights from Oslo and other local airports in Norway.
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